A Real Angry Bird

I've been a bird owner for years. Anyone who knows birds knows they really do have moods. Angry birds isn't just an amusing game. This piece was inspired by a photo of a Macaw that, to me, looked unamused. It was a little different than the previous pieces because there was more white areas. I'd finally get to use Green Black for shading.

As always I started with a color sketch so I'd have plan for glass cutting and my black outline.

Frit Balls: Rolling Around in My Kiln

If you've seen the previous frit ball projects I've made and wondered to yourself "What magic is this?", here are some details for creating your own frit ball project...

Glass Painting: Keeping the Skills Sharp

With a show coming I need to have some new pieces to that haven't been seen before. I've had a few ideas percolating in my head for months now and finally got them from the idea stage to the sketch pad and then to glass. But it's been nearly a year since I did any glass painting and found that I needed to brush up on my skills (no pun intended)

Lighting: It's Old, It's New, But It's Old

I'm doing renovations to my house. I don't really want to gut the house and start over but most of the fixtures are original, late 70s design and I was at a loss what to do. One example would be the lighting in the master bath.

Not a high traffic area so it wasn't a huge priority... until inspiration mowed me over like a freight train. When I'm done I may give tours to everyone who comes over to the house.

Restoration or Reconstruction? Creating Something from Nearly Nothing

It began with a phone call from a glass lover who had gotten my name from a colleague. She'd fallen in love with a piece of glass she'd seen at an antique store and got it for a steal of a deal because it was falling to pieces... but it was beautiful and just needed some love. She wanted to know if I'd come and take a look at it, just to see if there was something that could be done with it.

What's "New" About the New Theme

Was it really necessary to update my website a month after the last update? The short answer is "Yes". I spent two years fussing with the last update and in that time the platform I was using to create the site was updated and on the verge of a second update. I was going to lose support for that theme. So, I picked a new one with additional functionality.

What does that mean to you? Bells and whistles! First you get that really awesome animation. I don't know about you but I could sit and watch that for hours... it's kind of like an aquarium: mesmerizing

Welcome to the New Red Dragon Glass Art Site

RedDragonGlass.com has undergone another transformation - another new theme for the web page. This change enables me to link to social sites and make it easier to update new material as it becomes available.
The summer means fair season and I look forward to seeing you and chatting with you all in person! In return I'll post my projects here so you can follow along and see what happens to my glass behind the scenes.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll be back!


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